Why you shouldn’t diet during the holidays

If you are looking for the fitness pro to tell you to indulge over the 4th of July weekend you came to the right place. For years I stuggled with telling myself I would eat like a bird, grazing at my family or friends party. I ended up binging like crazy and feeling horrible about it for a couple of days. Luckily this never turned into any long string of bad habits, but still my mental sanity is enough to warrant chilling on being so strict.

Whats the plan then?

Ok so why should I plan on just chilling out and not worrying over the holiday? This is what a holiday is for. My gameplan is to really dial it in leading up to the holiday. When I get to the party I don’t even think about what I am eating or drinking. I know that when I get back to it on Monday Ill be back to my bird eating ways. Here are 3 good tips for relaxing over the holidays.

1-Mental sanity-I mean cheese, pepperoni, cake, and ice cream are so delicious why would we pass up on this. Use these holidays as a reward for your healthy habits.

2-Social sanity– Lets be honest, no one likes that friend that is at a party and says “Nah Im on a diet”. Relationsips matter, a lot see hang out with your friends and enjoy yourself

3-Goal setting- Use these dates for setting goals. “Im going to lose x amount of weight by 4th of July.” Once you do that it makes the holidays that much more enjoyable.

Avoid saying-“I’m going to start right after the holidays.” In my experience this is setting up for failure.

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