How to Get Your Kids to Workout

During the Coronavirus pandemic kids and parents are having a tough time finding things to pass the time. Working out seems to be something most people find solace in day in and day out. With the kids at home its probably a good idea to make sure the kids join in on the workouts. A lot of parents struggle to figure out what to have their kids do. next time you go to workout in the basement use this as a guide to have your kids get a good workout in with you.

Age Differences

Kids aged 5-10 years old–Kids this age need less structure and more work. It needs to be about fun and play as opposed to about a structured protocol. Things I would recommend, jumping, burpees, push ups, sit ups, air squats, running. A workout may look something like this:

20 min AMRAP

5 burpees, 10 push ups, 15 air squats, 100m run, 10 box jumps

Kids attention span at this age is very limited so anything too structured may get confusing. Remember to emphasize fun as opposed to work.

Very young kids do not need a lot of structure, just movement and fun

Kids aged 11-15–At this age you can start to form structure to the workouts. I would suggest having them follow a lighter version of your workouts. For instance, if you are doing front squats with a barbell or dumbbells, have your child do a squat holding 1 dumbbell or kettlebell. You want to eliminate anything with a high learning curve especially if you aren’t wise on coaching form. Kids this age should still be having fun with this. A sample workout would look something like this;

3 sets

15 goblet squats, 10 push ups superset

15 goblet lunges, 5 pull ups superset

:30 side plank, 20 plank get ups, 25 sit ups superset

15 KB swings, 15 box jumps superset

3 rounds of each

A key conclusion to this is that we should be making exercise and activity about fun. Its more important that kids enjoy it than getting the intended stimulus. In todays society its so much harder for kids to get moving. We see that kids no longer run, jump, climb trees, and play sports outside. Their pulling, running, and jumping muscles are not as developed as their thumb muscles. Take this time in quarantine to show your kids the value and fun of exercise.

If you need any additional help, feel free to email me.

[email protected]

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