How I Became My Moms Least Favorite Person

This is my mothers day post.

Being the baby in the family is a lot of pressure. Of course my Mom always looks at me differently due to the fact that I am the youngest. My mom had 3 children so we are all her favorite of course. I guess I consider myself my Moms favorite person in the world.

Then something happened, my mom asked me to start training her. Now on the surface this sounds like a simple task, I’m a trainer and she wants to be trained. What I found is now I get the “Are you trying to kill me with this?” “Im so sore I can barely move today”. “Alex wants me to eat my greens today, ughh.” Sometimes I feel like if she hasn’t done her workouts for that particular week she ducks my phone calls and texts messages.

I am now also responsible for any injuries/extreme soreness. I am now my moms least favorite person! This is all in good fun of course. We all know that we hate our trainers before the workout and love them after. As Tony Horton says “I hate it, but I love it.”

If you are trainer please keep these things in mind.

I hope my mom knows I only do it because I value her health and well being so much! I hope she knows she will always be my favorite person.

Love you mom!

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