Growth Mindset vs. Fixed Mindset

Reframing is a topic I’ve learned a lot about in the past few years and has totally changed my thinking and outlook. Reframing is looking at a bleak situation and “reframing” it to a more positive outlook. When my gym got shut down due to covid-19 my first initial thought was somewhat negative due to the anxiety something like this can provoke. I had thoughts like “am I going to go out of business, am I going to be able to pay my house rent and car payment.” Once I sat back and thought about, I realized I need to pivot my energy and figure out how to make it work. Feeling sorry for yourself is one characteristic of someone with a fixed mindset. I knew I didnt want to fall into that trap. I decided to turn this into a positive. The highest achievers tend to never stress about situations out of their control. Here are some common charactertsics of both types of mindsets.

Fixed Mindset

In athletics this would be someone saying “I am too small to play football or basketball, or I dont have the genetics to play sports in college.” In regards to working out it would be someone saying “I am too busy to workout and its too expensive to eat healthy”. In regards to your career it would be someone saying “I didn’t go to college so I cant be successful.”

If this was the case Spud Webb who was 5’7″ would have never won the slam dunk contest, Manuel uribe would have never lost 496 lbs, and Steve Jobs would have never co-founded apple.

People with a fixed mindset tend to be afraid of failure as well. This fear holds them back from ever accomplishing anything great. Are you afraid of trying something new because you think you will fail.

Peope with a fixed mindset tend to be complacent with their situation, even if they are unhappy. They tend to feel like they cant do any better. This is a common feeling and we realize that growing into a better situation is a simple concept, but not easy. In fact it takes a lot of hard work to catapult out of those feelings.

Last, these types of people seem to be cocky and feel like they know everything. They are not eager to get better or too learn from anyone. They already know it all. This type of attitude is holding them back from growth.

Growth Mindset

People with a growth mindset tend to be very humble and are eager to learn. They realize that no matter how bleak a situation may seem they will find a way. This goes with the motto of if there is a will theres a way.

No matter how much you know or how much you have accomplished there is always someone out there that knows more than you and there is always something more to add to your resume. These types of people tend to learn something from every situation.

People with a growth mindset tend to not be afraid of failure. We realize that failure actually leads to growth. Most people with this kind of attitude tend to seek out failure, even though that sounds crazy.

Lastly, people with a growth mindset tend to be happy. They have confidence and tend to realize that they are in full control of their life.

Moving Forward

“We all know that in the future we will change, that is inevitable. If we have a growth mindset we realize that we are in full control of that change.” -Dr John Berardi

I think this quote represents the growth mindet very well. Think about your attitude moving forward, are you sad, complacent, cocky? or are you Happy, humble, and eager to learn. Are you always looking for new challenges and adventures? or are you stuck in your comfort zone.

2 Day ago was the best time to change your attitude, yesterday was the next best and today is best after that. Try and change to a growth minded person!

Any questions please email me

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