5 way to do crossover symmetry to prevent shoulder injuries

Shoulders are the most complicated part of the human body. Many people present different shoulder blades and have different needs for shoulder health. The Crossover symmetry system has perfected keeping your shoulders healthy in a few minutes a day. Many times I see people not using the bands at all or doing the exercises incorrectly. Here are 5 ways to use the system better.

1- Use the appropriate weight for the exercise-So many times I see people using the bands that are too heavy and butchering the exercises. Use this rule, “too little is better than too much.” Start out with the lightest weight possible, use the correct muscles to move the band and once you have the technique down then add.

2-Neck position matters- Many times neck issues can present in the form of shoulder injuries and vice versa. This is why I am very relentless when it comes to coaching head position on every exercise. Think about making a double chin but maintaining a neutral head position.

This is the correct head position, notice I am tucking my chin while looking straigh ahead. Also the shoes are fire emoji 🙂

In this picture I am tucking my chin, but looking down creating an extended neck position. This is very common and should be avoided.
I feel like Im on the edge of the titanic screaming “Im on top of the world”. This looking up position should be avoided as well.

3- Have a coach show you, then learn how to do it- I generally tell people that I will stand by and show you how to use the bands 3 times then I want them to be able to do it without me instructing them. This helps athletes become self sufficient and the chance of them using the bands more goes up. Grab the chart out and follow the guidelines, pretty soon you wont need the chart and will be using these 3-4 days a week without having to think about it.

Here is a step by step guide on using the bands for shoulder health

4-Utilize a split stance for the overhead movements-Using a split stance allows us more room overhead before we arch our lower back. If you feel like you are arching “squeeze your belly” to prevent this. Never crank through your lower back and make sure the weight you are using is appropiate “See number 1”

5-Do the full chart for full results-The system is designed to strengthen every muscle in the shoulder. Make sure to hit them all. Short on time? Do lower reps but hit all of the exercises.

Alex had me use crossover symmetry after each workout for a few weeks to help heal a nagging shoulder strain!
– Anthony

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