Is online training right for you?

Ever considered online training, but not sure how it works or how it may be right for you?

Here is a quick guide with some pros and cons on how it works and why it may be a perfect fit for you to achieve all of your fitness goals.

What is it?

There are different variations of online training, sometimes you can pay for cookie cutter programs and sometimes you can pay for an individual program. Individual programs are more expensive but generally help get you results you are looking for.

Online training is delivered via an app or on a website. You basically are given a program to do and there are generally some videos along with it to show you how to do the exercises.

In an individualized program the trainer will do an initial call and/or consultation form to get to know you and your goals, what kind of equipment you have, any injuries or concerns you may have.

From there they will write you a program based off of these and be in touch to keep you accountable, track your progress, and answer any questions you may have.

I personally use what’s called the trainerize app to deliver my online training workouts and this app is very simple to use and delivers a great product.

Here is what the user interface looks like for my online training folks to follow: Detailed workout instructions and logging for progress reports.

What are the advantages to this type of training and programming?

1-Most people waste a lot of time trying to follow their own program and generally don’t have any guidance on what they should be doing when working out. This allows you to follow a structured program that is more efficient and perfect for your needs.

2-You can literally do this at your own convenience. If you have your own home gym or go to a 24/7 gym you can literally do your workout at any time during the day or not. Most personal training or group fitness studios don’t work around your schedule and have limited hours you can workout.

3-Constant check ins with your trainer. Need some accountability? This is a perfect thing for you as the coach will help keep you accountable.

4-Price, yes this comes into play when considering a training program, the price. Its way cheaper than hiring a personal trainer.

What are the disadvantages to this?

1-Not working with a trainer to watch your form can be a detriment due to the fact that you can watch a video, but not always sure if you are doing the exercises properly or not.

2-Working out by yourself if you are doing it at home can always be a little more of a challenge.

What to do next?

Ready to give it a go? I always offer a free week to see if you like this style of training and if I can get you the results you are looking for.

Book an initial call with me via email [email protected] or via instagram DM @wollschleger_training and we can set this up.

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