Deadbugs: Execution is vital

I love programming the deadbug exercise as a warmup before squats and deadlifts. I also like it as a main core exercise for young athletes. If I am coaching a big class I look around and see a lot of funky deadbugs. Without proper execution this exercise seems silly as you flail around on the ground like a dying bug in water. Here are the 4 things I look for with this exercise.

1-Low back is flat to the ground— Your upper back and traps should be off the ground similar to a hollow position. This really turns your core muscles on, in fact I usually see peoples bellys shaking. Thats how I know its working.

2-Move slowly and methodical-Each rep should be done slow and not rushed through. This might be the biggest fault I see is people blowing through these (i.e. flailing around on the ground).

3-Big exhale as you are performing the rep– This helps you breathe while also bracing your core muscles. This is a key element to heavy lifting without injury and is a huge purpose of this exercise. (watch video you will hear my exaggerated breathing)

4-Keep your knee bent-This is a regression if you feel any popping in your hip flexor muscles. Sometimes that straight leg position irritates the hip flexors and doesnt necesarily cause damage, but is uncomfortable.

Deadbug exercise correction, apparently I need to get my legs some sun

[email protected]

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