3 nutrition mistakes most people make

  1. Not eating healthy fats in their diet– Most people avoid fat like the plague because they feel that if they eat fat they will get fat. Fat is a macronutrient that your body craves and need. The benefits are that it fills you up to not allow overeating, it can be anti-inflammatory, and may help balance your hormones out. Add in some avocado, nuts, seeds, and olive oil to your meal prep or dinner next week.
Selection of good fat sources

2- Mindlessly drinking calories– Starbucks double macchiato caramel frappucino with room and extra pump may be your morning routine, but its killing your gainz. We like to call these sugar bombs! Just the sugar and creamer alone in coffee may add up to extra calories depending on how much you drink. How about that glass of wine before bed. The average 6 oz class of win has 150 calories in it. Now do 3 glasses and that is adding up. Get into a routine of mostly water, coffee with a little added sweetness, and very limited alcohol before bed.

3-Too much fruit, not enough veggies- We all know fruits and veggies are good for us because of how many nutrients they provide. However, fruit does contain sugar and therefore is higher in calories. Many of us eat 5-7 servings of fruit and 0 vegetables. Vegetables provide a ton of nutrients with little to no calories. If you are someone who eats 0 fruits and veggies then yes lets add some fruits first dont worry so much about it.

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