5 Core exercises you aren’t doing that you should be

I feel like I could work for Mens Health Mag with these headlines. These are total clickbait, but I got ya!!

Everyone knows the traditional core exercises which are planks, side planks, sit ups, crunches, knee raises. No need to regurgitate these to you. These exercises are generally staples in any program (although I do not like crunches or really anything where the spine flexes). Here are 5 different core exercises that most people do not do but they should be included for variance.

1-Stir the Pot- This is a great core exercise that is a harder variation of the plank. More of a dynamic variation if you will.

2-1/2 turkish Get ups-A full TGU is definetely a challenge, but after the 1/2 part it becomes more of a shoulder demanding exercise. The 1/2 version most people can do.

3-Paloff Press-This would be considered an “anti-rotation” exercise due to the band wanting to pull you back and you resist this.

4-Bird Dog Row-This is a dual threat exercise. This is a single arm rowing variation with challenging core demands as well. I like throwing this in after a set of dumbbell bench.

5-2 Kb or barbell front rack carry-The demand to keeping the torso upright with weight on the shoulders really taxes the core muscles here. This is a great post workout exercise due to the fact it isnt super demanding on any of the prime muscles.

When doing a core circuit, do 2-3 rounds of these and try and progress in reps or weight each week. I usually like to do this after a workout to not fatigue the core muscles for the main workout.

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