Progressing the Burpee

The burpee is a simple bodyweight exercise that elicit a high heart rate when executed multiple times. When watching someone do a burpee it seems fairly simple in nature. Unfortunately a lot of people do not have the requisite hip mobility, core strength, and shoulder strength to be able to execute one without compensating elsewhere.

I know a lot of trainers do not like using burpees for their clients, I personally love using them and think they are great cardio substitute for any running or rowing activity. I am very cautious however in how I progress people on these. Here is how to properly progress.

Box step back and step forward– The higher the boxer the easier the exercise is. Remember to keep a flat lower back (squeeze your belly) and you can step back or jump back. Progress the box or couch lower and lower until you are safely able to do them on the ground.

Step back up down burpee- This is the next step up, a step back burpee without a full push up. Make sure to not allow your back to sag down toward the ground.

Step back burpee with full push up– All the way to the ground but stepping back instead of jumping back. We can also do a jump back up down burpee style. Again, the hip mobility may be a limiting factor for us.

Actual burpees-Note in this video the first one I do i keep my stomach nice and tight not allowing my back to worm up. The second one I do a big worm up which may put unwanted pressure on your low back.

Bonus content* Should you land on your heels or toes when you come up from the bottom of the burpee?

I personally prefer if people would land on their heels. The issue with that is it requires a lot of hamstring mobility in order to achieve this. This is optimal but I would say whatever feels more comfortable.

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