Mindful Eating Practice

As a fitness coach, I get a lot of questions about what I eat or if I can send them a meal plan. I know that these things may help, but sometimes I like to start people of with mindful eating. This is a very psychological approach to eating. Many people binge eat for diferrent reasons, they are bored, stressed out, or just mindlessly doing something else while they eat. It honestly is amazing the results when you actually think about what you are eating or how long it takes you to eat. Thats how diets work, they force you to think about what you are going to eat day in and day out. My good friends Eric Andrews always says “if you put someone on the oscar meyer hot dog and jelly bean diet and had them stick to a portion size they would probably get results.” Eric is being funny here, but his point is that we usually get consumed with our busy lifestyles and choose the most convenient thing to eat. We need to think about what we are doing more. Here are my top tips on how to be more mindful when eating.

1. Eat without any distractions-No tv, no cell phone, no magazine. This is very hard to do nowadays. Our phones have become attached to our hands and we generally eat on the go a lot. This takes us into number 2.

2. Listen to your “hunger cues” and stop at 80% full- In case you didnt know, your body actually gives you feedback on when you are hungry and also when you are full. Next time you eat try and pay attention to when you feel slightly full, this is when we should stop eating.

3. Slow down when you eat– Eating slowly has a lot of benefits. It tends to help you eat less, enjoy your meal more, and aids in digestion. You can also make sure to drink water between every 2-3 bites, that will help you feel fuller faster.

4. Record what you eat-Using my fitness pal app or another way to track your food is a great way to be more mindful. Chances are if you are recording what you are eating, you tend to make better decisions. Have a coach take a look at a 3 day food journal. Email me with yours I would be happy to take a look.

5. Set your environment up for success-If you are working from home and have a lot of junk food in the house chances are you will eat it. Make sure to eliminate the junk food at your office or at home. My vice is any kind of chips. I can go months without eating any, the minute we have them in the house they are gone in the matter of minutes.

Any questions about mindful eating don’t hesitate to email.

[email protected]

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