Bulletproof your immune system to prevent COVID-19

Not sure if you have heard there is a airborne virus going around called CoronaVirus? Writing an article on how to prevent your body from contracting the illness is probably great clickbait so here we go!

It seems to me that the unpredictability of this virus is what has everyone all panicky and running out to buy mass amounts of toilet paper. If we consider the fact that over 600,000 people a year die (in the us) from coronary heart disease and to date only 20 people have died from COVID-19. People take crazy precautions to prevent the spread of this virus, but fail to implement any procedures to prevent heart disease. I think it can be summed up pretty well with this meme.

If you have read my articles enough by now you know that keeping myself and my loved ones healthy is a huge priority of mine. I think the best way to prevent yourself from getting the virus is to have a healthy immune system. The best way to do that: Keep your stomach healthy.

Having a healthy gut can help absorb nutrients easier and allows your immune system the proper fuel it needs to fight off infections. It also will allow your immune system to do its job instead of having to rid your body of toxins and chemicals that we consume. Here are my 5 best ways to bulletproof your immune system the first two helping your stomach.

  • EAT REAL FOOD-Some people may say “shop the perimeter of the store”. This is a great suggestion as our stomachs are way more equipped to absorb real food that came from the earth as opposed to processed food and supplements. As i mentioned in my supplement post, click here, supplements should be just that, supplemental to your diet. You need at least 3 meals a day of nutrient dense whole foods such as lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats.
  • EAT PREBIOTICS AND PROBIOTICS– This is what I call “Stomach food” because the good bacteria that lives in your gut consume these things and it keep them alive and healthy. Incorporate some of these in your diet as you see fit.
    • Fermented foods: Sauerkraut, yogurt, pickles, kombucha, kimchi.
    • Onions, Garlic, Apples, bananas
  • EXERCISE-NEWS FLASH, exercise is good for you. We all know this, but a moderately high intensity workout will help lower cortisol levels. Cortisol is a stress hormone that compromises immune function if we have an excessive amount. A really high intensity workout at first raises your cortisol levels while eventually bringing them down. Consistent moderately high intense workouts can keep our cortisol levels at bay especially after a long stressful day at work.
  • TAKE A COLD SHOWER-OK OK this sounds crazy right? Ill admit I have never done this before, but have read research done on this and I know people who swear by it. This is next on my to do list. According to the Wim Hoff website (he is a leader in breathing and cold water immersion) “scientific studies have found that taking a cold shower increases the amount of white blood cells in your body. These blood cells protect your body against diseases. Researchers believe that this process is related to an increased metabolic rate, which stimulates the immune response
    • The people who I know have done it say to start off by doing it for :05 and gradually increasing it from there. So there is that.
  • GREEN TEA INSTEAD OF COFFEE- This might be a hard one to swallow (pun intended) but the health benefits of green tea especially the antioxidant properties may outweigh the taste. According to bustle.com “Green tea also contains various compounds and ingredients that can help our immune systems, fight off infection, and lower our risk of diseases. “Another benefit of tea is the amount of antioxidants it contains,” . “While coffee also has its fair share, tea typically has a higher concentration.” Green tea in particular has a variety of antioxidants that have been shown to have health-boosting properties, and has a higher antioxidant content than coffee.”
    • The caffeine content is also less and the acidity of coffee can cause irritation to the stomach lining.

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