The Ultimate Squat Warmup

Squatting is one of the most popular exercises people do. In order to properly prepare the body for heavy squatting or high volume squats we must get a good warmup in. I hear many people complain that their knees or backs hurt from squatting, my first question is “Did you warmup?” The answer is generally no. Here is a 12 minute warmup prior to a squat heavy workout. This is mostly for any squat except for an overhead squat in which you would need to add in shoulder work.

A back squat or a front squat is a full body exercise so we will mostly focus on the legs but also add in some full body warmup. Quick foam roll to loosen up some stiff muscles, some active stretching to warmup the body and loosen the joints, and then a glute and shoulder activation part to get the main muscle groups warm.

Foam roll

  • Upper back
  • Hamstings
  • Adductors (groin area)
  • Butt muscles
  • Foam roller goal post slides

Bodyweight work

  • :30 Groiners
  • :30 bootstrap squats
  • :30 up downs
  • :30 Ankle mob
  • :30 scorpion
  • :30 side plank R
  • :30 side plank L

Glute Warmup-

  • 10 mini band walks R
  • 10 min band walks L
  • 10 banded squats
  • 10 banded clamshells R
  • 10 banded clamshells L
  • 10 glute bridge
If you dont like cheesy 90s music make sure you turn the sound off

Banded W-Ys x 10

There you have it, quick and easy 10-12 min warmup that should eleviate stress off of your joints. A proper warmup can be the difference between feeling good after a workout and feeling achy.

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