3 ways to improve landing mechanics for Volleyball Players

Rolled ankles, sore knees, plantar fasciitis….Just to name a few this are things you see very common on a volleyball court. The reason being is that these athletes are having a problem with their jumping mechanics. The first place to correct is their landing mechanics. I like to include these in their program as fillers. Once they learn how to land soft and reduce impact on their ankles and knees it becomes muscle memory.

1- Depth jumps or box drops- Whatever you call this one doesnt really matter. Have athletes stand on top of a box or bench and drop to the ground landing soft and with their knees out in a good position. Here is what i like to see:

  • Soft Landing
  • Knees tracking out not in
  • Balls of their feet
Liley performs a box drop from a 14″ box. Start low and progress to a higher box, no need to go super high.

2-Hurdles + broad jump-Set the hurdles up low and have the athlete jump and stick the landing, once they clear the hurdles have the athlete jump as far out as they can landing soft and in a good landing position. I usually program these for 5-8 sets. Make the athlete earn the right to bump the hurdles up higher.

3-1 Leg RDLS-This is a great balance exercise that teaches you how to stay on the outside of your foot preventing that pronation of the ankle. Start out light with a dumbbell or just bodyweight and progress to 2 Kettlebells or possibly a barbell. I like the landmine RDL to start.

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