3 tips for a more efficient running stride

Oops probably should have posted this one at the beginning of summer, but we still have a little while longer until running season is over.

Just like any exercise or movement there is a technique to be more efficient and prevent injuries. Running is no exception. I know a lot of people who have calf, ankle, knee, and hip pain from running, and some people who just flat out cant stand it. Try these few tips and see if they help.

3 tips

1-Forward lean– Standing straight up when running allows us to breathe better, but creates more of a heel strike effect as well as forces extra work. If you lean forward as you run it creates a “falling” effect. The reason this is beneficial is because it allows gravity to propel us forward and all we do is “catch up” and keep moving. If you don’t believe me, stand straight up try falling forward and see what happens, your leg will move forward to catch yourself. Here is a good drill I like to reinforce this point:

This is in slow motion to emphasize the forward lean. As you can see gravity was pulling me down and I caught myself with my feet.

2-Relax the arms-A lot of times I see people shrugging their shoulders, swinging their arms, or doing funky things with their hands while they run. Staying relaxed is “low lying fruit” that can be worked on immediately. I like to pretend I am holding potato chips in my thumbs as I run. (Silly I know, I got this cue a long time ago and it really helped me) Next time you run try and think about the upper body staying relaxed, dont worry about anything else.

Keep the arms relaxed

3-Stay on the front of your foot-Your foot acts like a spring and the ball of the foot is what propels you. Go ahead and try and jump on your heels. Ok now that you have tried that tell me how explosive you felt. Now try and jump through the ball of your foot. It sort of feels like a spring. if you lean forward properly as mentioned in tip 1 this should feel natural.

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