3 simple tips to up your CrossFit game now

CrossFit is super addictive and there is nothing like when you are finished with a WOD. It makes it way better when you are able to hit the workouts as prescribed, hit PRS, or do pull ups and double unders. Obviously every individual is different so these may not all apply to you, but here is a quick list of things to improve on.

1- Cut 2-3% body fat–Ok I said simple not easy. Cut out some sugar the next few weeks and see what happens. Losing body fat will help you move faster as well as make you lighter. The definition of gymnastics is how you move your body through space (not outer space). The lighter the better.

2- Extra strength work–Ok I know you only have 60-90 min a day to work out and you want to sweat and get the endorphins going. Try and add in 2-3 days of additional strength work when possible. It doesn’t need to be a super structured strength program. If the WOD is very leg driven add in 5 sets of strict press or push press at the end or at home. If your shoulders are sore hit 5 sets of back squats. The stronger you are the easier the movements are.

3-Extra mobility-Boring!! I know its boring but here is the benefit. Out of the 10 characteristics for athletic performance mobility is the only one that can hinder all of the other movements. For instance if I cant get my shoulder back in a good position for overhead squats this will limit your potential weight you can use and may lead to injury. Can’t flex the ankles? This creates a ton of upstream effects when running and lifting. I love love love holding stretches 2 minutes at a time, couch stretch, puppy dog, pigeon, scorpion. All of these help open the body up to prevent injuries and increase performance.

Flexibility is similar to mobility
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