August 2019

3 ways to improve landing mechanics for Volleyball Players

Rolled ankles, sore knees, plantar fasciitis….Just to name a few this are things you see very common on a volleyball court. The reason being is that these athletes are having a problem with their jumping mechanics. The first place to correct is their landing mechanics. I like to include these in their program as fillers. […]

3 ways to improve landing mechanics for Volleyball Players Read More »

5 way to do crossover symmetry to prevent shoulder injuries

Shoulders are the most complicated part of the human body. Many people present different shoulder blades and have different needs for shoulder health. The Crossover symmetry system has perfected keeping your shoulders healthy in a few minutes a day. Many times I see people not using the bands at all or doing the exercises incorrectly.

5 way to do crossover symmetry to prevent shoulder injuries Read More »

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